At present most of our services are completely free
Most of our services are funded by the Canterbury District Health Board (CDHB). In addition we have grants from a range of other organisations, however Please donate to help us are also increasingly vital to our being able to continue to offer a full range of services. You can click on this link to see a full range of our funders.
At Unit 4, 357 Madras Street (beside the Heart Foundation), Christchurch, Canterbury, NEW ZEALAND.
We suggest you contact your region’s district health board, GP’s surgery or the GP’s Primary Health Organisation and ask them what is available in the way of services and support groups in your area.
copy of our complaints form can also be found <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>here</a> together with details about how your complaint is treated once it has been received.
If your privacy has been breached by another organisation then our staff can help you to access the other organisation’s complaint process.
A copy of our complaints form can also be found here together with details about how your complaint is treated once it has been received. If you feel you have been treated badly by another organisation then our staff can help you to access the other organisation’s complaint process.
Without identifying you individually, it will form a part of our reporting back to our funders.
Things you can ask your GP about: free Brief Intervention counselling (up to five sessions); Green
Prescription, Health Improvement Practitioners (HIP), information about various forms of therapy or
counselling. Aside from your GP there are also organisations such as ours that offer <a href=””>individual peer support</a>, change <a href=””>programmes</a>, <a href=””>support group</a>s and advocacy.
confidential chat with you and help you to make a plan to either reduce your consumption or to stop drinking altogether. The free and confidential <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Alcohol Drug Helpline</a> is also available 24/7..