Family and whanua play an important role in a person’s recovery from mental health or addictions issues and to their recovery and wellbeing.
If you are attempting to help a friend or family member who is clearly struggling you can feel very uncertain and perhaps alone.
For example:
- What can you do in the person’s best interest?
- How far do you ‘push’ them to get help?
- How do you provide support as part of a busy life?
- Is your friend or family member at risk?
- Who supports you whilst you’re providing support to someone else?
MHAPS does not provide groups or services for people who support others, however we can help you to understand how our services may be of help to your friend or family member who is experiencing distress. You are also welcome to access our monthly Themes talks, and go onto our mailing list for updates about our services and on a range of mental health and addictions topics.
For specific help for you, as someone supporting another, we suggest you contact Yellow Brick Road: 0800 876 682